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Seminar dates

Come and join us and let yourself be surprised about the new constellation method. Choose the seminar, you are interested in.

Contact us on and be part of our trainings to become  KiSS-Constellator! Be part of the KiSS-Movement, which is at the same time a path which can create within you unity and deep peace.

Apart from the training seminars (listed as well in the calender), we do offer some special Seminars which can be selected from the calendar. Kindly register by using the registration form below or the corresponding link in the offer details.
Looking forward to hear from you!


Registration form

Please complete the form to register for one of our upcoming seminars. 

You will receive a Zoom link in case of online seminars after registering shortly before the respective event or more information about on-site seminars in due time.

See you soon!

Choose the seminar, you want to participate in:

Thank you for your registration!

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