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Training concept

Become an KiSS-Constellations® Expert or even a trainer

and learn how this beautiful method works.


What is it about?

​The KiSS-Constellations® are a special and innovative method of creating constellations. Our philosophy is to provide optimal support and guidance for learning this method. That is why our training program is modular and includes different levels and modules depending on how well you have worked with the method and technique.

The training concept in detail

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Basic - your first KiSS

The journey with the KiSS Constellations starts with a basic module on 4 evenings - online - and teaches the basic approach and methodology of the KiSS Constellations. You will then complete 5 different basic modules in one-day seminars (online/offline). This offer also includes 2 hours of supervision and/or bilateral coaching from Carmen to round off your personal journey. To consolidate the content learned, there are practical evenings for all participants in the training and they automatically become part of our KiSS Constellator community.

Deep Dive - your KiSS-Experience

Building on the basic modules, you can go even deeper and attend additional modules in the fields of spirituality, business or personal development. Depending on your interests and the focus of your personal activity, you will be given additional formats that can expand your personal KiSS backpack and complete your consulting services. The modules can be booked individually or as a package.

Partner - Licence to KiSS

Would you like to introduce the KiSS Constellations method to others and become active as a trainer? Then get officially licensed as a KiSS Constellations partner. The basis for this is a visit to the basic module and all advanced modules. For more details, please contact us.

You can find further information here:

You want to participate?

Seminar offering

Contact us for more details

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